
Dec 15th, 2022

The Analytics API has been launched

We have launched the Analytics API. It consists of the following endpoints.

EndpointDescriptionResponse timeQuota
Analytics Overview API(POST/analytics-overview)Supports frequently-used dimensions and metrics.Sub-seconds60 / min.
Analytics Detail API(POST/analytics-detail)Supports entire dimensions and metrics and provides diverse filters.Several seconds up to 5 minutes60 / hour
Analytics SKAdNetwork API(POST/analytics-skadnetwork)Supports SKAdNetwork-specific dimensions and metrics.Several seconds up to 5 minutes60 / hour

Note that the Campaign Summary API is supported until v1.2, and you must use the Analytics API instead for v1.3 and later. You must replace the following Campaign Summary API endpoints with the Analytics API endpoints.

Existing endpointCaseNew endpoint
GET/campaign-summaryThe values of the group_by property only includes DATE, AD_ACCOUNT, APP_OR_SITE, CAMPAIGN, and/orAD_GROUP.Analytics Overview API(POST/analytics-overview)
GET/campaign-summaryAll other casesAnalytics Detail API(POST/analytics-detail)
POST /campaign-summary/queryGet SKAdNetwork metricsAnalytics SKAdNetwork API(POST/analytics-skadnetwork)
POST /campaign-summary/queryGet non-SKAdNetwork metricsAnalytics Detail API(POST/analytics-detail)