
Dec 1st, 2022

New field added on UpdateCustomerSet response.

We now provide latest update information for UpdateCustomerSet. It contains current status of processing uploaded file.

// UpdateCustomerSet Response Body
    "customer_set": {
        "id": "ZEUje4Ez0EOW3cBa",
        "title": "Test CustomerSet",
        "id_type": "GOOGLE_ADID",
        "status": "PREPARING",
        "data_file_path": "",
        "created_at": "2022-12-01T05:58:57.021975Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-12-01T06:01:46.237206Z",
        "recent_file_update_info": {
            "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
            "timestamp": "2022-12-01T06:01:46.189001008Z",
            "file_name": "lb4o2a80_g9pjjaw_gsqyyjxkapu01bsv.csv"

New field added on Campaign.

Moloco deletes the Campaign which are in PAUSED or COMPLETED states for 180 days, for maintenance purpose. When this field is set, it means that the Campaign will be deleted by the policy on specified date. After deleted, it can be viewed from ListCampaigns API with show_deleted=true.

// ReadCampaign Response Body
    "campaign": {
        "ad_tracking_allowance": "DO_NOT_CARE",
        "auto_delete_at": "2023-05-29T14:59:59.999Z",
        "created_at": "2022-10-12T23:16:46.360654Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-11-15T15:08:44.721134Z"