Create and manage your campaign

Moloco Ads APIs for campaign management

We have a comprehensive set of APIs for creating and managing Moloco Ads campaigns. You can create, read, update, delete, and list the following entities.

  • AdAccount: This entity represents the advertiser (either an individual or an organization).
  • Product: This entity represents the app or website that your campaign advertises.
  • TrackingLink: This entity represents the tracking link for your campaign. The tracking link collects data you need to analyze your campaign results.
  • Campaign: This entity represents your campaign.
  • AdGroup: This entity represents the ad group for your campaign.
  • CreativeGroup: This entity represents the creative group, which is a group of creatives used in your campaign.
  • Creative: This entity represents the creative asset(s) your campaign uses.
  • AudienceTarget: This entity represents a particular group of users your campaign targets.
  • CustomerSet: This entity represents a set of users you can use for different purposes.

Entities you need to launch your campaign

In order to launch a new campaign, you need to first create all the entities that make up a campaign. See the entity relationship diagram below for entities you need. If the entity you need has already been created, you can reuse that entity. Otherwise, you must create one.


If you are new to Moloco Ads, you should follow the steps below to launch your campaign.

  1. Create an ad_account object that contains information about your AdAccount.
  2. Create a product object for the app or website your campaign is promoting.
  3. Create a tracking_link object for product.
  4. Create one or more creative objects to represent creative assets to be included in your campaign. All creative assets must be uploaded to public storage before you can create a creative object.

Note: An API that lets you upload a creative asset and create a creative object all at once will be made available soon.

  1. Create one or more creative_group objects to represent multiple creatives grouped together. Each creative_group includes one or more creatives. You can reuse existing creative_group and creative objects.
  2. Create a campaign object to launch your campaign.

Step-by-step guide to launch a campaign

1. Create an ad_account object

The first step to creating and launching a campaign is to create an ad_account object.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate an ad_account object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new ad_account object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new ad account.

$ cat ad_account.json
  "title": "Ad Account For Tutorial",
  "description": "Ad Account For Tutorial",
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "currency": "USD"

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@ad_account.json" \

  "ad_account": {
    "id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "title": "Ad Account For Tutorial",
    "description": "Ad Account For Tutorial",
    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "currency": "USD",
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T00:00:17.317689Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T00:00:17.317689Z"

As in the example, the response includes the Moloco-issued ID for the AdAccount entity. Your AdAccount ID is the value of the id property in the ad_account object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new ad account.

Note: To make an API request, you need a Moloco-issued token to include in the request body. To learn how to receive a token for authentication, see Get Started with Moloco Ads API.

2. Create a product object

After you have a created an ad_account object, you must create a product object. You need to include in the request body the AdAccount ID that was created in the previous step.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate a product object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new product object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new product.

$ cat product.json
  "title": "Tutorial App",
  "advertiser_domain": "",
  "device_os": "ANDROID",
  "type": "APP",
  "app": {
    "bundle_id": "",
    "category": "IAB9-1",
    "rating": 5,
    "app_store_url": "",
    "postback_integration": {
      "mmp": "TRACKFNT",
      "bundle_id": ""

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@product.json" \

  "product": {
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
    "title": "Tutorial App",
    "advertiser_domain": "",
    "device_os": "ANDROID",
    "type": "APP",
    "app": {
      "bundle_id": "",
      "category": "IAB9-1",
      "rating": 5.0,
      "app_store_url": "",
      "tracking_company": "ADJUST",
      "tracking_bundle_id": "",
      "postback_integration": {
         "mmp": "TRACKFNT",
         "bundle_id": ""
      "mmp_integration": {
         "id": "mAZE5cU0tZl1uIA5",
         "mmp_bundle_id": "",
         "mmp": "ADJUST",
         "status": "UNDER_REVIEW",
         "updated_at": "2020-07-01T15:29:45.457575Z"
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T15:29:45.732976Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T15:29:45.732976Z"

As in the example, the response includes the Moloco-issued ID for the Product entity. Your Product ID is the value of the id property in the product object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new Product.

3. Create a tracking_link object

You must create a tracking_link object to track your campaign's performance. The tracking_link object includes the name of tracking company (e.g., Adjust, Airbridge, AppsFlyer, etc.), click-through (CT) link, and view-through (VT) link. The CT link notifies the tracking company of any click events, and the VT link notifies them of any impression events. To create a tracking_link object, you need to enter the name of tracking company your app is using, the CT link, and an optional VT link issued by the tracking company.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate a tracking_link object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new tracking_link object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new tracking link.

$ cat tracking_link.json
  "title": "Tutorial App Tracking Link",
  "description": "Tutorial App Tracking Link",
  "device_os": "ANDROID",
  "click_through_link": {
    "url": "{a_idfa}&mt_ad=%{creative_filename}&mt_ad_id=%{creative_id}&mt_ad_type=%{creative_type}&mt_click_lookback=7d&mt_cost_currency=%{cost_currency}&mt_cost_model=%{cost_type}&mt_cost_value=%{cost_amount}&mt_siteid=%{raw_app_bundle}&mt_sub4=%{source}&c=%{campaign}&clickid=%{bid_id}&pid=moloco_int"
  "view_through_link": {
    "url": "{a_idfa}&mt_ad=%{creative_filename}&mt_ad_id=%{creative_id}&mt_ad_type=%{creative_type}&mt_cost_currency=%{cost_currency}&mt_cost_model=%{cost_type}&mt_cost_value=%{cost_amount}&mt_siteid=%{raw_app_bundle}&mt_sub4=%{source}&mt_viewthrough_lookback=1d&c=%{campaign}&clickid=%{bid_id}&pid=moloco_int"
  "tracking_company": "TRACKFNT"

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@tracking_link.json" \

  "tracking_link": {
    "id": "$TRACKING_LINK_ID",
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "product_id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
    "title": "Tutorial App Tracking Link",
    "description": "Tutorial App Tracking Link",
    "device_os": "ANDROID",
    "click_through_link": {
      "url": "{a_idfa}&ml_ad=%{creative_filename}&ml_ad_id=%{creative_id}&ml_ad_type=%{creative_type}&ml_click_lookback=7d&ml_cost_currency=%{cost_currency}&ml_cost_model=%{cost_type}&ml_cost_value=%{cost_amount}&ml_siteid=%{raw_app_bundle}&ml_sub4=%{source}&c=%{campaign}&clickid=%{bid_id}&pid=moloco_int",
      "status": "UNVERIFIED",
      "unverified_status_data": {
        "stored_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37Z"
    "view_through_link": {
      "url": "{a_idfa}&ml_ad=%{creative_filename}&ml_ad_id=%{creative_id}&ml_ad_type=%{creative_type}&ml_cost_currency=%{cost_currency}&ml_cost_model=%{cost_type}&ml_cost_value=%{cost_amount}&ml_siteid=%{raw_app_bundle}&ml_sub4=%{source}&ml_viewthrough_lookback=1d&c=%{campaign}&clickid=%{bid_id}&pid=moloco_int",
      "status": "UNVERIFIED",
      "unverified_status_data": {
        "stored_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37Z"
    "tracking_company": "TRACKFNT",
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37.924722Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37.924722Z"

As in the example, the response includes the Moloco-issued TrackingLink ID that you need when creating a creative_group object. Your TrackingLink ID is the value of the id property in the tracking_link object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new tracking link.

4. Upload a creative asset and create a creative object

For each of your campaigns, you must create at least one creative object to add to a creative_group object. Every campaign must have at least one CreativeGroup entity, and each CreativeGroup entity can include multiple Creative entities.

4-1. Upload a creative asset to storage (for those using Moloco Ads API v1.6 or earlier)


Keep in mind:

If you are using Moloco Ads API v1.6 or earlier, you must proceed with the following to upload your creative asset(s).

To create a creative object for your creative asset, you must first upload the creative asset file. The following limitations apply to each file.

  • Image: Up to 500KB
  • Video: Up to 10MB
  • GIF: Up to 1MB

Note: If using Moloco Ads API v1.5 or later, your video files are automatically transcoded to optimize performance. An error message is returned in the event that the file exceeds the size limit after it has been transcoded. For more information, see the release note.

To upload a creative asset, you must do the following.

  1. Make a POST API request to get a Moloco-issued URL for uploading your creative asset.
  2. Make a POST API request to initiate a resumable upload session for the creative asset.
  3. Make a PUT API request with the Moloco-issued URL to upload the creative asset to Google Cloud Storage.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make API requests to get a Moloco-issued URL for your creative asset and upload the creative asset to storage. To learn more about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new asset upload session.

The first step is making a POST API request with the required parameters as in the following example.

$ cat asset.json
  "asset_kind": "CREATIVE",
  "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
  "file_name": "test_image.jpg"

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@asset.json" \

  "asset_url": "$CREATIVE_ASSET_URL",
  "content_upload_url": "$UPLOAD_URL"

As in the example, the response includes the asset URL and upload URL. The asset URL, which is the value of the asset_url property, is the public address where your creative asset is made available after it has been uploaded to Google Cloud Storage. The upload URL, which is the value of the content_upload_url property, is for uploading the creative asset file to Google Cloud Storage.

You must make another POST API request with the upload URL to start a resumable upload session. The upload URL points to the URL for resumable upload. You can initiate a resumable upload session as follows.

$ curl -v -X POST \
  -H "x-goog-resumable: start" \
  -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \
  "$UPLOAD_URL" 2>&1 \
  | grep "x-guploader-uploadid"

< x-guploader-uploadid: $UPLOAD_ID

Finally, you must make a PUT API request with the upload URL and upload ID to upload the creative asset file to Google Cloud Storage. You must include in the request $ASSET_PATH, which is the location the file is saved in (e.g., my-dir/file.jpg). Be sure to append the upload ID returned in the previous POST API request to the upload URL when making the request as in the following example.

$ curl -X PUT \
  --data-binary "@$ASSET_PATH" \
  -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \

Your creative asset has been uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, and is available at the URL specified for asset_url, which you need for creating a new creative object.

4-1. Upload a creative asset to storage (for those using Moloco Ads API v1.7 or later)


Keep in mind:

If you are using Moloco Ads API v1.7 or later, you must proceed with the following to upload your creative asset(s).

To create a creative object for your creative asset, you must first upload the creative asset file. The following limitations apply to the types of assets you can specify as the value of the asset_kind property.

Asset typeMaximum file size

Note: If using Moloco Ads API v1.5 or later, your video files are automatically transcoded to optimize performance. An error message is returned in the event that the file exceeds the size limit after it has been transcoded. For more information, see the release note.

To upload a creative asset, you must do the following.

  1. Make a POST API request to get a session URL for uploading your creative asset to Google Cloud Storage.
  2. Make a PUT API request with the session URL to upload the creative asset to Google Cloud Storage.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make API requests to get a session URL for your creative asset and upload the creative asset to storage. To learn more about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new asset upload session.

The first step is making a POST API request with the required parameters as in the following example.

$ cat asset.json
  "asset_kind": "CREATIVE",
  "mime_type": "image/jpeg"

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@asset.json" \

  "asset_url": "$CREATIVE_ASSET_URL",
  "content_upload_url": "$UPLOAD_URL"

As in the example, the response includes the asset URL and upload URL. The asset URL, which is the value of the asset_url property, is the public address where your creative asset is made available after it has been uploaded to Google Cloud Storage. The upload URL, which is the value of the content_upload_url property, is for uploading the creative asset file to Google Cloud Storage.

You must make a PUT API request with the upload URL and upload ID to upload the creative asset file to Google Cloud Storage. You must include in the request $ASSET_PATH, which is the location the file is saved in (e.g., my-dir/file.jpg).

$ curl -X PUT \
  --data-binary "@$ASSET_PATH" \
  -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \

Your creative asset has been uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, and is available at the URL specified for asset_url, which you need for creating a new creative object.

4-2. Create a creative object

After your creative asset has been uploaded to Google Cloud Storage and assigned a public URL, you must create a creative object.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate a creative object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new creative object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new creative.

$ cat creative.json
  "title": "Test Image Creative",
  "type": "IMAGE",
  "original_filename": "test_image.jpg",
  "size_in_bytes": 94994,
  "image": {
    "image_url": "$CREATIVE_ASSET_URL",
    "width": 640,
    "height": 960,
    "size_in_bytes": 94994

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@creative.json" \

  "creative": {
    "id": "$CREATIVE_ID",
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "title": "Test Image Creative",
    "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
    "ad_account_info": {
      "id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
      "title": "Ad Account For Tutorial",
      "description": "Ad Account For Tutorial"
    "type": "IMAGE",
    "original_filename": "test_image.jpg",
    "size_in_bytes": 94994,
    "image": {
      "image_url": "$CREATIVE_ASSET_URL",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 960,
      "size_in_bytes": 94994
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T14:54:00.526009Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T14:54:00.526009Z"

As in the example, the response includes the Moloco-issued Creative ID you need when creating a creative_group object. The Creative ID is the value of the id property in the creative object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new creative.

5. Create a creative_group object

You can group Creative entities with similar characteristics under a CreativeGroup entity to make it easier to add them to the campaigns of your choice. To create a creative_group object, you must have created one or more creative objects as well as a tracking_link object.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate a creative_group object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new creative_group object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new creative group.

$ cat creative_group.json
  "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
  "product_id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
  "title": "Test CreativeGroup",
  "description": "Test CreativeGroup",
  "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
  "status": "APPROVED",
  "tracking_link_id": "$TRACKING_LINK_ID",
  "creative_ids": [

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@creative_group.json" \

  "creative_group": {
    "id": "tla69ad6dz2JAUAY",
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "product_id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
    "title": "Test CreativeGroup",
    "description": "Test CreativeGroup",
    "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
    "creative_ids": [
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "action_history": [
        "id": "05fb3aa5-44b9-4943-77c4-90f5f15a31c7",
        "action_type": "CREATE",
        "created_at": "2020-07-01T15:21:05.797660752Z"
    "tracking_link_id": "$TRACKING_LINK_ID",
    "audience": {},
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T15:21:05.909989Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T15:21:05.909989Z"
  "creatives": [
      "id": "$CREATIVE_ID",
      "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
      "title": "Test Image Creative",
      "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
      "ad_account_info": {
        "id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
        "title": "Ad Account For Tutorial",
        "description": "Ad Account For Tutorial"
      "type": "IMAGE",
      "original_filename": "test_image.jpg",
      "size_in_bytes": 94994,
      "image": {
        "image_url": "$CREATIVE_ASSET_URL",
        "width": 640,
        "height": 960,
        "size_in_bytes": 94994
      "created_at": "2020-07-01T14:54:00.526009Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-07-01T14:54:00.526009Z"
  "tracking_link": {
    "id": "$TRACKING_LINK_ID",
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "product_id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
    "title": "Tutorial App Tracking Link",
    "description": "Tutorial App Tracking Link",
    "device_os": "ANDROID",
    "click_through_link": {
      "url": "{a_idfa}&ml_ad=%{creative_filename}&ml_ad_id=%{creative_id}&ml_ad_type=%{creative_type}&ml_click_lookback=7d&ml_cost_currency=%{cost_currency}&ml_cost_model=%{cost_type}&ml_cost_value=%{cost_amount}&ml_siteid=%{raw_app_bundle}&ml_sub4=%{source}&c=%{campaign}&clickid=%{bid_id}&pid=moloco_int",
      "status": "UNVERIFIED",
      "unverified_status_data": {
        "stored_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37Z"
    "view_through_link": {
      "url": "{a_idfa}&ml_ad=%{creative_filename}&ml_ad_id=%{creative_id}&ml_ad_type=%{creative_type}&ml_cost_currency=%{cost_currency}&ml_cost_model=%{cost_type}&ml_cost_value=%{cost_amount}&ml_siteid=%{raw_app_bundle}&ml_sub4=%{source}&ml_viewthrough_lookback=1d&c=%{campaign}&clickid=%{bid_id}&pid=moloco_int",
      "status": "UNVERIFIED",
      "unverified_status_data": {
        "stored_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37Z"
    "tracking_company": "TRACKFNT",
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37.924722Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T09:50:37.924722Z"

As in the example, the response includes the Moloco-issued CreativeGroup ID. The CreativeGroup ID is the value of the id property in the creative_group object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new creative group.

6. Create a campaign object

Finally, you must create a campaign object using information from the previous steps.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate a campaign object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new campaign object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new campaign.

$ cat campaign.json
  "campaign": {
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "product_id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
    "title": "Test Campaign",
    "description": "Test Campaign",
    "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
    "device_os": "ANDROID",
    "country": "KOR",
    "currency": "USD",
    "schedule": {
      "start": "2020-07-01T07:00:00Z"
    "budget_schedule": {
      "daily_budget": {
        "daily_budget": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount_micros": "1000000"
    "tracking_company": "TRACKFNT",
    "goal": {
      "type": "OPTIMIZE_CPI_FOR_APP_UA",
      "optimize_app_installs": {
        "mode": "TARGET_CPI_CENTRIC",
        "target_cpi": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount_micros": "1000000"
  "ad_group": {
    "title": "Test AdGroup",
    "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
    "audience": {},
    "capper": {
      "imp_interval": {
        "amount": "12",
        "unit": "HOUR"
    "creative_group_ids": [

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@campaign.json" \

  "campaign": {
    "id": "$CAMPAIGN_ID",
    "ad_account_id": "$AD_ACCOUNT_ID",
    "product_id": "$PRODUCT_ID",
    "title": "Test Campaign",
    "description": "Test Campaign",
    "enabling_state": "ENABLED",
    "device_os": "ANDROID",
    "state": "SUBMITTED",
    "country": "KOR",
    "currency": "USD",
    "schedule": {
      "start": "2020-07-01T07:00:00Z"
    "budget_schedule": {
      "daily_budget": {
        "daily_budget": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount_micros": "1000000"
    "audience": {
      "shared_audience_target_ids": [],
      "targeting_condition": {
        "allowed_exchanges": [
    "tracking_company": "TRACKFNT",
    "goal": {
      "type": "OPTIMIZE_APP_INSTALLS",
      "optimize_app_installs": {
        "mode": "TARGET_CPI_CENTRIC",
        "target_cpi": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount_micros": "1000000"
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T15:34:43.323228Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T15:34:43.323228Z"

As in the example, the response includes the Campaign ID, which is the value of the id property of the campaign object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new campaign.

After a campaign object has been created, the state property indicating campaign status is set to SUBMITTED by default. When the ML model for the campaign is ready, campaign status is updated to either READY or UPCOMING depending on the value of the enabling_state property. Campaign status is updated to READY when the value of the enabling_state property is set to DISABLED. Campaign status is updated to UPCOMING when the value of the enabling_state property is set to ENABLED.

Note: It usually takes about 2 hours for the ML model for your campaign to finish training.

On the date and time campaign is scheduled to start running, campaign status is updated to PAUSED when the value of the enabling_state property is set to DISABLED or ACTIVE when the value of the enabling_state property is set to ENABLED. When campaign status is ACTIVE, the creatives added to the campaign are live on Moloco Ads, and the campaign can start bidding. To learn how to track campaign performance, see Report API and Log API.

In the event that the campaign has a specified end date, campaign status is updated to COMPLETED on the date and time campaign is scheduled to end.

Note: When a campaign has been deleted, the campaign status is updated to COMPLETED. Campaigns that have been in PAUSED status for more than 180 days are converted to COMPLETED and subsequently deleted in compliance with Moloco's data access policy.

Usage example: Create a customer_set object

1. Create a customer_set object

A CustomerSet entity represents a set of customer IDFAs. You can use this entity to include in or exclude from targeting a specific group of customers. To create a customer_set object, you must upload a .csv file with customer IDFAs to Google Cloud Storage.

1-1. Upload a CustomerSet asset to Google Cloud Storage using Moloco Ads API

To upload a CustomerSet asset to Google Cloud Storage, you must do the following.

  1. Make a POST API request to get a Moloco-issued URL for uploading your CustomerSet asset.
  2. Make a POST API request to initiate a resumable upload session for the CustomerSet asset.
  3. Make a PUT API request with the Moloco-issued URL to upload the CustomerSet asset.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make API requests to get a Moloco-issued URL for your CustomerSet asset and upload the CustomerSet asset to storage. To learn more about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new asset upload session.

You must first make a POST API request with the required parameters to get a URL for uploading your CustomerSet asset as in the following example.

$ cat asset.json
  "asset_kind": "CSV",
  "mime_type": "text/csv",
  "file_name": "test_customer_set.csv"

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@asset.json" \

  "asset_url": "$CUSTOMER_SET_ASSET_URL",
  "content_upload_url": "$UPLOAD_URL"

As in the example, the response includes the asset URL and upload URL. The asset URL, which is the value of the asset_url property, is the public address where your CustomerSet asset is made available after it has been uploaded to Google Cloud Storage. The upload URL, which is the value of the content_upload_url property, is for uploading the CustomerSet asset file to Google Cloud Storage.

You must make another POST API request with the upload URL to start a resumable upload session. The upload URL points to the URL for resumable upload. You can initiate a resumable upload session as follows.

$ curl -v -X POST \
  -H "x-goog-resumable: start" \
  -H "Content-Type: text/csv" \
  "$UPLOAD_URL" 2>&1 \
  | grep "x-guploader-uploadid"

< x-guploader-uploadid: $UPLOAD_ID

Finally, you must make a PUT API request with the upload URL and upload ID to upload the CustomerSet asset file to Google Cloud Storage. You must include in the request $ASSET_PATH, which is the location the file is saved in (e.g., my-dir/file.jpg). Be sure to append the upload ID returned in the previous POST API request to the upload URL when making the request as in the following example.

$ curl -i -X PUT \
  --data-binary "@$ASSET_PATH" \
  -H "Content-Type: text/csv" \
  -H "Connection: keep-alive" \

When you see that HTTP 200 or 201 is returned as the response, the asset file has been successfully uploaded to storage. You can access the file using the asset URL, which you need when creating a customer_set object.


Tip: Check the integrity of the uploaded file

To check whether the file you have uploaded has been tampered with, you can make a PUT API request as in the following example.

$ curl -i -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Length: 0" \
    -H "Content-Range: bytes */*" \
    "$UPLOAD_URL&upload_id=$UPLOAD_ID" 2>&1 \
    | grep "x-goog-hash\|HTTP\|x-goog-stored-content-encoding"

HTTP/2 200
x-goog-hash: crc32c=$GOOG_CRC32C
x-goog-hash: md5=$GOOG_HASH
x-goog-stored-content-encoding: identity

If your local machine has gsutil installed, you can verify file integrity by comparing $GOOG_HASH and $FILE_HASH as in the following example. If the two values are the same, your file is safe.

$ gsutil hash -m $ASSET_PATH

Hashes [base64] for $ASSET_PATH:
Hash (md5): $FILE_HASH

1-2. Create a customer_set object

With your CustomerSet asset file uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, you can create a customer_set object using the asset URL for the CustomerSet asset file. You must specify either ADIDs for Android or IDFAs for iOS but not both.

The following example shows you how you can use your command-line interface to make an API request to generate a customer_set object with the request body parameters you have specified as a .json file. The parameters you have specified for your new customer_set object are saved to the .json file and delivered to the Campaign Management API as an HTTP POST request body. For more information about the parameters you can specify, see Create a new customer set.

$ cat customer_set.json
  "title": "Test CustomerSet",
  "description": "Test CustomerSet",
  "id_type": "GOOGLE_ADID",
  "data_file_path": "$CUSTOMER_SET_ASSET_URL"

$ curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@customer_set.json" \

  "customer_set": {
    "id": "$CUSTOMER_SET_ID",
    "title": "Test CustomerSet",
    "description": "Test CustomerSet",
    "id_type": "GOOGLE_ADID",
    "status": "PREPARING",
    "data_file_path": "$CUSTOMER_SET_ASSET_URL",
    "created_at": "2020-07-01T15:34:43.323228Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-01T15:34:43.323228Z"

As in the example, the response includes the CustomerSet ID, which is the value of the id property in the customer_set object. For more information about each of the parameters included in the response, see Create a new customer set.

Next steps

You can use the CustomerSet ID for your AudienceTarget entity. To learn how to create an audience_target object, see Create a new audience target.